True Bloom Wellness Package


True Bloom Wellness Package


This package is for folks who are ready to go the distance

Are you ready to make a commitment to the plants and a commitment to yourself?

During this three month journey, we will dive deep into your healing path, and create systems that work for YOU. After your initial herbal consultation, you will be supported with three follow up sessions and weekly emails that offer gentle support and accountability.

A True Bloom Wellness Package includes:

  • Initial 2 hour Herbal Intake plus detailed plan of care

  • One 30 minute follow up two weeks after our initial session. We will use this time to check in to see how you are doing with diet and lifestyle changes, and how your herbal formula is feeling.

  • Two 60 min follow up sessions, typically scheduled one month apart. These follow up sessions allow us to track your wellness goals from our first session, while addressing whatever is most present at this juncture. Each of these sessions come with a new detailed plan of care.

  • Weekly email support that is thorough and gives you plenty of opportunity to ask questions or reflect upon your experience as it unfolds.

The herbs for this healing journey will come at an additional charge. Typically you should budget between $25-$50 for your monthly supply of herbs, depending upon the imbalances we are addressing.

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