Initial Herbal Consultation


Initial Herbal Consultation

from $90.00

An initial herbal consultation is the first step to empowerment on your herbal healing journey

During this two hour consultation, we will discuss your current mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical well being, as well as your medical history and current wellness goals. This will be a gentle, relaxed conversation over a cup of tea that gathers clinical information about your body's unique constitution, as well as general information about your diet, your social and family history, and anything else you wish to discuss. I will also use tongue and pulse diagnostics, as well as an examination of the eyelids to gather information that the body is offering.

All of this will help me develop a compassionate, holistic plan of care for your acute or chronic imbalance.

Once we have finished our consultation, I will formulate a personalized herbal formula for you that addresses your imbalances and supports your wellness goals. This will typically be in the form of a 2-ounce tincture, but I may also recommend teas, salves, oils, and flower essences. The plants chosen for your formula will align directly with your unique constitution, and support the healing of both your physical and spiritual bodies.

In addition to your tincture, I will also provide a detailed plan of care that includes diet, lifestyle, and ritual suggestions all meant to help you break unhealthy patterns and restore healthy balance to your everyday routines.

Your initial herbal consultation includes:

  • Two hour herbal consultation

  • Detailed plan of care

  • 30 min follow up appointment two weeks after your session

  • Email Support

When you receive your plan of care, I will also attach an invoice for any herbal medicine I am recommending. It is up to YOU, if we proceed with that plan.

In general this is what to expect for the cost of herbs:

$12/ ounce for Tinctures

$6/ ounce for Teas

$12/ ounce for Oils

$10/ ounce for Salves

*Currently, all herbal consultations are held on zoom.

A note on Sliding Scale

We are so happy to offer sliding scale for our consultations, and we humbly ask you to use your gut to consider where you fall on the scale before purchasing. $145 is the actual cost of these sessions, and everything below that is our effort to meet folks where they are at. If you need help determining where you fall on this scale, we really love the “Green Bottle Sliding Scale” model for determining where you fall on a sliding scale. There are plenty of great info-graphs describing this model if you search online.

We also offer three “pay what you can” sessions each month! Priority given to BIPOC, LGBTQ, and the most vulnerable in our communities. Please reach out through email if we can support you in this way!

Sliding Scale:
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