Let’s Work Together


Initial Herbal Consultation

An initial herbal consultation is the first step to empowerment on your herbal healing journey.  During this two hour consultation, we will discuss your current mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical well being, as well as your medical history and current wellness goals. 

This will be a gentle, relaxed conversation over a cup of tea that gathers clinical information about your body's unique constitution, as well as general information about your diet, your social and family history, and anything else you wish to discuss. I will also use tongue and pulse diagnostics, as well as an examination of the eyelids to gather information that the body is offering. All of this will help me develop a compassionate, holistic plan of care for your acute or chronic imbalance.  

Once we have finished our consultation, I will formulate a personalized herbal formula for you that addresses your imbalances and supports your wellness goals.

This will typically be in the form of a 2-ounce tincture, but I may also recommend teas, salves, oils, and flower essences.

The plants chosen for your formula will align directly with your unique constitution, and support the healing of both your physical and spiritual bodies.

In addition to your tincture, I will also provide a detailed plan of care that includes diet, lifestyle, and ritual suggestions all meant to help you break unhealthy patterns and restore healthy balance to your everyday routines. 

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Follow up visit

All appointments made after our initial consultation are follow up visits. These are typically scheduled every 2-8 weeks depending on your specific needs.  We will use these visits to re-investigate the imbalances you are experiencing, and fine tune any formulas you are taking. This will also be a time for you to share any new life circumstances or patterning we have not previously discussed, as well as new wellness goals that have developed.

After all follow up visits you will receive a new formula and new detailed plan of care.


Recommended Pace

Everyone’s plant healing journey is different, especially if we are working with chronic conditions. That said, I have witnessed time and again, a pace that seems to be the most supportive, especially as we begin our healing work together.

  1. Initial Herbal Consultation

  2. Follow Up Visit 2 weeks after you begin your plan of care (this lets us address how your formula is working for you and fine tune any dosing recommendations or ingredients in your formula)

  3. Follow Up Visits Monthly for at least three months. Three months has proven to be a useful measurement of time to witness real shifts within the body after integrating plant medicine and diet/lifestyle changes.

  4. After a three month commitment of consistently taking your herbs, and integrating your plan of care into your diet and lifestyle, it is up to YOU to determine the right pace for follow up visits. I have seen clients continue to thrive with monthly check ins, and occasional shifts of their wellness formulas to match whatever nuances they are currently working with physically or energetically. I have also seen clients thrive with scheduling follow up visits and requesting new formulas with the change of seasons, or during particularly stressful or big events in their lives. One thing is certain, the plants and myself will support you to flex your intuition and innate healing wisdom, and we trust your pace above all else. We are just here to support you along the way.

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We are happy to offer a sliding scale for both of our Initial and Follow Up Appointments.

Initial Herbal Consultation

2 hours


Follow Up Visit

1 hour


*Rates include your consultation, a detailed plan of care, and email support

*Your herbal formula will be an additional charge:

Tincture = $12/ounce

Teas= $6/ounce

Oils= $12/ounce

Salves= $10/ounce

*We are currently offering only online zoom or phone consultations during this time.

*We are also offering a “Pay What You Can” option for 3 folks per month. Please get in touch if we can support you in this way. Priority given to BIPOC, LGBTQ, and the most vulnerable in our communities.


I am not medical doctor and do not diagnose or prescribe. I am a certified herbalist, here to offer accountability and support as you reach for balance and optimal health of your mind, body, and spirit.